River Courses, River Crossings, Tow Boats


Rivers are perhaps the most important part of pre-modern world building. That’s why it’s unfortunate rivers are commonly misunderstood and underutilized in D&D. Large rivers are the foundation of civilization and act as the primary means of travel for people, Continue reading River Courses, River Crossings, Tow Boats

RPG Player Levels & How to Increase Your Level

RPG Player Levels Header

Welcome back. Recently, I’ve been speaking with my coworkers and organizing a D&D game for them. The two have zero experience in D&D and the RPG hobby as a whole. So, I thought it would be a good opportunity to Continue reading RPG Player Levels & How to Increase Your Level

Making Gods & Religions > Organization & Worship


Welcome back. Last time we took the raw form of your pantheons and sculpted them into something coherent. Now you should have a firm grasp on who your gods are and their domains. We also knocked out the universal myths Continue reading Making Gods & Religions > Organization & Worship