Expanding PC Rests in 4e or “4e – 4 Rests”

As you may have noticed by now I’m a fan of 4th Edition D&D. Seriously, if you haven’t picked up on this you should not consider a career as a detective. It’s an edition that is much maligned by both Continue reading Expanding PC Rests in 4e or “4e – 4 Rests”

Double Damage

Potentially one of D&D’s greatest shortcomings is its health system. Now that’s not to say I don’t like HP, I like HP just fine. I think I made that clear when talking about hit points back in the last blog Continue reading Double Damage

Chasing the Dragon


If you were expecting a post about opiates you’re out of luck, sorry? What it is about is chase scenes. Now if you’ve been hanging around tabletop RPGs for any amount of time you probably haven’t played in a lot Continue reading Chasing the Dragon