Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW


While exploring dungeons because REASONS is popular in the cartoon Adventure Time you will probably need your plots and adventures to be coherent. Like the Tom Clancy quote, “The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense,” you Continue reading Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW

See Spot Passively Perceive

One of the things I noted when looking over materials from the shiny new edition of Dungeons and Dragons is the return of the Passive Perception box on the character sheet. I’ve always thought this was a strange character sheet Continue reading See Spot Passively Perceive

Analog Gaming is Retro-Cool AKA People Crave Human Interaction

4.25 Years Four and a quarter years it took me to get a magic sword in a play by post (PBP) game. I keep looking at that number and try to make sense of it but it refuses to seem Continue reading Analog Gaming is Retro-Cool AKA People Crave Human Interaction