Double Damage

Potentially one of D&D’s greatest shortcomings is its health system. Now that’s not to say I don’t like HP, I like HP just fine. I think I made that clear when talking about hit points back in the last blog Continue reading Double Damage

Chasing the Dragon


If you were expecting a post about opiates you’re out of luck, sorry? What it is about is chase scenes. Now if you’ve been hanging around tabletop RPGs for any amount of time you probably haven’t played in a lot Continue reading Chasing the Dragon

Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, and some Adventure

The past two weeks have been busier than I expected and unfortunately this blog took a back seat. I am however working back to a point of equilibrium so hopefully next week’s entry won’t be sliding in just under the Continue reading Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, and some Adventure

Racial Traits and The Ooze

If you have played anything other than a pre-generated character for any RPG system featuring multiple race options you know something about racial traits. It puts the pointy ears in elfs, beards on dwarf chins, and humans… well, makes them Continue reading Racial Traits and The Ooze